that last cycle lasted no time at all.
anyway, Mother of Learning is a 2900 page piece of fiction centered mostly around being nice to your little sister. take Kirielle to Cyoria, Zorian. 9/10.
The Perfect Run was a great way to waste my gosh darn time about having a cute marxist-leninist childhood friend hooked on antidepressants privilege. Take Len off SSRIs, Ryan. 5/10.
Project Hail Mary was a fun story about being a servile coward sticking by the only person to ever make friends with you. science-shaped words are interspersed. Take Rocky to Erid, Grace. 6.5/10.
Synecdoche, New York was a great movie about hiding from the world in a labyrinth of your own creation, probably. don't quote me on that i'm no ebert. Take a look at the calendar and see what you've missed, Caden. 9.5/10
Mr. Robot is an awful, no good, real bad television program that suckers you in with promises of 1337kid hijinks, then as soon as your participation is confirmed drops you straight down into a pit of morphine moping, schizophrenia, and political nonsense. Half the computer shit wouldn't work in real life, either. It's pseudo-technical garbage, just with the right buzzwords picked out to make it sound somewhat legitimate to halfwits. I swear to god, there is a several-minute long scene at the start of season three where Elliot looks straight at the screen and decries """them""" while Trump footage plays in the background. What a joke. Take the gayboy over for good, Mr. Robot.
Quote of the Session:
<c>how about: good news & bad news 'bout hell, playa:
<c>good news: shit be empty yo
<c>bad news: das cause all da demons al;ready here
<glwE>if its bpdemons we're talking about sign me up
<glwE>tortured by bdpemons for eternity hnnnhhgngnnhng
~ music makers, dreamers of dreams et al.